STUDIO NOVA was established as PUK's visual section in 1970. From their one-floor offices in a building near the PUK Puppet Theater, the current staff of 17 is engaged in such activities as production, direction, and stage design, particularly in relation to filmed puppet theater using such media as television, video, movies, and commercials.
  PUK began its puppet theater film production activities in 1943. Overcoming the challenges of the difficult war and post-war period, PUK produced Japan's first full-color film in 1953. At the same time, PUK was actively involved in the production of puppet plays for Japan's national television broadcasting corporation, NHK, which had just begun domestic broadcasting, as well as the various commercial television networks, as well as television advertisements. NHK incorporated puppet plays in its lifestyle education programs for lower elementary school children; STUDIO NOVA has been continuously involved in the production of NHK educational channel programs since they first went on the air in 1959.
  STUDIO NOVA began full TV program production activities in 1979; since then it has created 215 serialized puppet programs featuring popular folk tales for a number of local education agencies, in addition to producing serialized puppet programs aimed at children for various television networks. In 1990 and 1992, STUDIO NOVA filmed a total of 17 puppet performances in six European countries. These were converted to video and introduced to children throughout Japan through television broadcasts.
  Today, STUDIO NOVA is actively involved in the production of more than 10 regular TV programs, predominantly NHK children's programs, as well as single commercials and events.

